Let a Payroll Professional Prepare Your ERTC
PAYROLL, that’s what ERTC is all about, and That’s what we do!
Helping businesses claim their ERTC refund!
Did the COVID-19 pandemic affect your business? If your answer is yes, you may be eligible to claim your Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) of up to $26,000 per employee. Find out if you’re eligible to receive your 2021 ERTC today!
What is ERTC?
The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is a fully refundable tax credit enacted under the C.A.R.E.S act to assist employers affected by COVID-19. The program was designed for both “for-profit” and “non-profit” businesses. Eligible employers can claim a maximum ERTC tax credit of 70% for 2021; however, the program expires soon. All quarters for 2021 expire on April 15, 2025, so don’t hesitate any further,
How the program works
Although employers can attempt to file for the ERTC themselves, it’s not recommended. There are a lot of logistics that go into filing for the ERTC tax credit, and the process is complicated; therefore, we highly suggest you leverage the assistance of our experience to ensure your business receives the maximum ERTC credit today. Getting Started:
Determine your Eligibility.
Our ERTC specialist will perform a thorough evaluation to determine your business’s eligibility.
Start Qualifying.
Simply provide us with all the necessary information to qualify you then sit back, kick your feet up and let us do all the work. We complete the process all the way through, from initial qualification to ERTC credit calculations, to filing and claiming your ERTC Refund.
Receive your ERTC Refund.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will process your ERTC tax credit, send you a letter for each quarter for 2021 (usually 4 letters) advising you of the amount of actual credit you’ll be receiving, then, within 2 to 3 weeks you’ll begin receiving checks for each quarter of qualified ERTC mailed directly to you.
How long does the process take?
The IRS has determined that the ERTC process from beginning to end takes approximately 6 months but, it could take up to 1 year so don’t wait, give us a call or send us an email to: ERTC@tnbpros.com